Cinnabar Theater 40th Season. Allow your email program to show images so that you can see the great posters that Elly has created. There is no harm in showing images from Cinnabar.
Cinnabar Theater 40th Season. Allow your email program to show images so that you can see the great posters that Elly has created. There is no harm in showing images from Cinnabar.

Don Giovanni

Subscribe to Cinnabar's season

Buy Tickets online now

Add images or type here. Images on this side must be 200 px wide


Subscribe to Cinnabar's season

Begin typing here then click on the subscribe button and select image icon; set the subscribe image to right, 10 horizontal.

Any images inserted on this column should be no more than 150 px wide; in the left column exactly 215 px wide.

To add new images, select from your computer

Do NOT use the size buttons at the bottom since they will crop the image! Be sure to use Edit as follows:

Click "Edit Image"
Click "Scale Image"
To the left of the Scale button, enter the desired width dimension (the first box): either 215 for images in the left column or 150 for images in the right column.The height will change proportionally.
Click "Scale"
If the image is correct, Click "Save"
At Bottom, click "Insert into Post"

Set left or right, with 10 horizontal as desired.

Don't forget to Save Draft!